How a Subscription-Based eCommerce Model Can Boost Your Sales


July 23, 2024

How a Subscription-Based eCommerce Model Can Boost Your Sales

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies constantly seek ways to stabilize revenue and foster customer loyalty. One effective approach is the subscription revenue model. This model involves customers paying a recurring fee at regular intervals (monthly, annually, etc.) to access a product or service. Let's explore how adopting this model can impact your business.

Why Subscription-Based eCommerce is Popular

  1. Time Savings: Consumers value time more than money and seek ready-made solutions to daily problems. Subscriptions save time by automating regular purchases.
  2. Familiarity with Subscription Services: Services like Apple Music, Netflix, and Spotify have accustomed consumers to recurring payments, making them more open to subscription-based eCommerce.
  3. Automation of Purchases: Modern appliances, like AI-enabled dishwashers, can automatically reorder supplies, indicating a trend towards automated, subscription-based shopping.
  4. Attractive Discounts: Subscriptions often come with discounts and bonuses, appealing to consumers' love for savings. This benefits both customers and businesses by building loyalty and increasing sales.

What is a Subscription Business Model for eCommerce?

A subscription-based eCommerce model allows customers to make recurring orders with automatic payments, differing from traditional one-time purchase models.

Types of Subscription-Based eCommerce Models

  1. Curation Subscription Model: This model delivers personalized products, relying on high brand trust. Companies like Birchbox send monthly boxes of beauty samples, offering full-size products at discounted rates for subscribers.
  2. Access Subscription Model: Customers get exclusive access to high-quality products or services. JustFab, for example, offers personalized boutique access for a monthly fee, with significant discounts and free delivery for VIP members.
  3. Replenishment Subscription Model: Regular delivery of essential products saves time and money. Amazon Subscribe & Save is a prime example, allowing customers to set up recurring deliveries for household and personal care items.

Benefits for Retailers

  1. Customer Retention: Returning customers spend 67% more than new ones. Subscription models reduce the need for frequent engagement, making reordering seamless and enhancing loyalty.
  2. Excellent ROMI: Acquiring new customers is more costly than retaining existing ones. Subscription services focus marketing efforts on initial acquisition, then work to maintain loyalty and repeat purchases.
  3. Profit Margins: Predictable recurring orders allow for optimized shipping, inventory management, and packaging, enhancing profit margins.
  4. Predictable Revenue: Subscription models provide stable and predictable revenue streams, aiding in financial planning and investment decisions.
  5. Efficient Upselling and Cross-Selling: Offering discounts for adding more products to a subscription box encourages higher spending and product discovery.

Implementing a Subscription Model

To successfully implement a subscription model in your eCommerce store:

●      Ensure your payment methods comply with PCI DSS standards.

●      Optimize your site for conversions.

●      Enable on-site recurring orders without redirects.

●      Choose the most suitable online payment tools.

●      Ensure GDPR compliance for customer data collection.

Marketing an eCommerce Subscription Service

  1. Remarketing Campaigns: Target already interested customers with tailored ads to reinforce their interest in your subscription services.
  2. Trigger Email Marketing Campaigns: Use CRM data to automate personalized email offers based on customer purchase history and preferences.
  3. Pre-roll Campaigns: Create short videos highlighting subscription benefits and show them as pre-roll ads on platforms like YouTube.

Key KPIs for Subscription Services

  1. Annual/Monthly Recurring Revenue (A/MRR): Measures normalized revenue per month from all active subscriptions.
  2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Predicts the total profit a customer generates over their subscription period.
  3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Calculates the cost of attracting new customers by dividing marketing spend by the number of new customers gained.
  4. Churn Rate: Tracks subscription cancellations to assess customer satisfaction and service value.
  5. Average Revenue per Account (ARPA): Measures how much a subscriber spends within their subscription plan.
  6. CAC Recovery Time: Indicates the time needed to recoup customer acquisition costs, calculated by dividing CAC by ARPA.

By adopting a subscription-based eCommerce model, businesses can enhance customer loyalty, predict revenue more accurately, and improve overall sales performance.

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